If you are struggling with debt or have a poor credit history, it may be a great time to meet with a credit counsellor who can offer you precise debt relief methods to get you out of debt and boost your credit. The good news is a credit counsellor at EmpireOne Credit is free and won't have a negative effect on your credit score. However, some debt relief method suggested by the credit counsellor may temporarily lower your score as you learn to manage your finances. The most important thing is that your debt is gone and you can start rebuilding your credit.
Never be embarrassed to ask for assistance if you're having trouble. With the help of credit counselling, you can feel more in charge of your finances and get back on track. Even though debt can feel overwhelming, if you approach it step-by-step with a credit counsellor or a debt expert it will feel a lot more manageable.
Your credit score won't be impacted just by obtaining credit counselling from EmpireOne Credit. When giving advice and counsel, the credit counsellor is not compelled to report their actions to the credit bureaus. Therefore, with our free consultation, you can be rest assured that your credit will not be affected.